Contact Us for DMCA Takedown Notices

Respecting Copyrights

Bradford Gaming respects the intellectual property rights of others and we expect our community members to do the same. If you believe that your copyrighted work has been used or shared in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may submit a DMCA takedown notice.

What is a DMCA Takedown Notice?

A DMCA Takedown Notice is a legal request to remove copyrighted material that you believe has been posted without permission. Upon receipt of a valid notice, we will take appropriate actions to remove the infringing material and notify the user who posted it.

How to Submit a DMCA Takedown Notice

  1. Complete the Form: Fill in all required fields to accurately identify yourself (owner or owner's agent), identification of the work infringed, identification of the infringing activity and its location on the site, contact information, good faith belief statement, attested under penalty of perjury that the information in the notice is accurate.

  2. Submit the Form: Click the Submit button in the form below to email the completed form to our DMCA Agent.

  3. Verification: Once we receive your form, we will promptly remove the infringing material and take appropriate actions, which may include disabling the account of the user who posted the infringing content.

  4. Timely Response: After verification, you can expect a response within 5 business days. We will require the copyright owner's signature or the signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner (i.e., the owner's agent). The signature can be in physical or electronic form. Whoever signs the notice should also identify whether they are the copyright owner or agent of the owner. The signature may be sent to

What Happens Next?

Upon receiving a valid DMCA takedown notice, we will promptly remove the infringing material and take appropriate actions, which may include disabling the account of the user who posted the infringing content.


If you have any questions or require clarification about the DMCA process or your rights, please don’t hesitate to contact our DMCA Agent at

Your Intellectual Property is Important. Protect It.

DMCA Notice Guidelines